Sustain III Boluses Rx

Sulfamethazine sustained release bolus for the treatment of bacterial pneumonia, shipping fever complex, bacterial scours, footrot, calf diphtheria and acute metritis in beef cattle and non-lactating dairy cattle. Provides a therapeutic sulfamethazine level in approx 6 hours and for 72 hours thereafter. Ideal for receiving programs; helps beat infections early.

Dosage: Calf – 2 boluses per 100 lbs body weight, repeat in 72 hours. Repeat at each 72 hour interval as needed. Cattle – 1 bolus per 200 lbs body weight, repeat in 72 hours. Repeat at each 72 hour interval as needed. Do not use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older. Do not use in calves under 1 month of age or calves being fed an all milk diet. 12 day slaughter withdrawal.

Calf 50ct
Calf 100ct
Cow 100ct
Sustain III Boluses Rx
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