CattleMaster 4+VL5 Cattle Vaccine

For vaccination of healthy cattle as an aid in prevention of infections caused by IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV, Vibrio and the 5 most common strains of Lepto. Non-shedding, non-immunosuppressive and non-abortigenic viral agents used in CattleMaster vaccines are safe for use in any cow, any calf, any time. Contains chemically altered, temperature-sensitive IBR and PI3 strains that do not grow outside the upper respiratory tract and are incapable of systemic replication or fetal infection.

Dosage: Two 5 ml intramuscular doses recommended 2-4 weeks apart. Revaccinate annually. 21 day slaughter withdrawal.

Anaphylactoid reactions may occur. Antidote : Epinephrine.

U.S. Lic. No. 190.

25 Dose
CattleMaster 4+VL5 Cattle Vaccine
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